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ESPA-13: EMV Chip Training – One Day Workshop


  • Product Development and Marketing
  • Operations, IT & Technical Managers
  • Manufacturers and Developers Payment Systems
  • Terminal and Card manufacturers, Application Developers

Course Outline:

Typical course outlines cover the following:

  • Standard Payment Systems Model & Payment Schemes.
  • Existing Magnetic Stripe Technologies.
  • EMV Technology & Standards.
  • EMV Market Overview
  • EMV Impacts on Payment Systems Components.
  • Cards – Structure, functionality and certification.
  • POS and ATMs – Software, hardware and certifications.
  • EMV Transaction Flow.
  • Security and Key Management.
  • EMV Migration Strategy – Typical EMV Related Issues/incidents.
  • NFC Fundamentals – Cards, Standards and Certification
  • Mobile Payments and Technologies
  • Convergence of EMV/NFC and Mobile payments