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A Deep Dive into Payments Tokenization

July 11th, 2023|

A Deep Dive into Payments Tokenization: Sep 18-22 2023 Leveraging, Productizing and Monetizing Tokens     SPA-24- New York: September 18 - 22, 2023   Payments tokenization will have aRead more

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Wow. A comprehensive payments curriculum for card issuers, acquirers, merchants and processors. Finally found a true payments education company with quality, technical material. Recommend the EMV and Mobile Fundamentals workshop.

Terry McDuff
Program Director, EMV & Mobile Systems

There’s not a lot of real technical payments workshops out there and so when our company signed with Secure Payments Academy to take their 2 day EMV Fundamentals I was skeptical. I was not disappointed.

Ebosa Epsilon
Sr Architect, Zenith Bank

Whether you are new to EMV, or payments, the SPA curriculum and its instructors are knowledgable, first rate professionals with depth that is immensely helpful to me.

Bob Stephens 
US Bank, Operations Manager

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