Trusted by 100+ companies across 25 countries

Training & Education
Secure Payments Academy™ provides a comprehensive payments training and education curriculum covering the latest trends, technologies and best practices in global payments. Much of the Secure Payments Academy’s expertise and knowledge is generated from the field working with acquirers, issuers, merchants and payment technology companies from around the world.
Consultancy Services
We specialize in credit, debit and EMV smart card system unique persuasive speech topics implementations for financial institutions, payment systems design/analysis/recommendations and project management. In addition, we provide complete training workshops for EMV standards and project implementations.

Strategy & Reports
With announcements of changes in the vendors’ products availability, the payment sector is going through a period of exceptional uncertainty. Banks and processors have to face a number of decisions on what the options are and how to proceed to enable them not only to provide services to their clients with the same or better efficiencies, but to stay relevant in the globalised and new disruptive offerings by competitors.
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Latest News
Secure Technology Alliance and Secure Payments Academy Offer E-Payments Workshops
Secure Technology Alliance and Secure Payments Academy Offer E-Payments Workshops Training series covers eCommerce, Open Banking, Fraud Detection/Mitigation and other topics for professionals in Financial Services, Healthcare, Mobile and IoTRead more
The Secure Payments Academy, PayKademy Partner to Provide e-Learning Payments Training Courses
The Secure Payments Academy, PayKademy Partner to Provide e-Learning Payments Training Courses – Comprehensive payments training courses to be offered on PayKademy Platform- (New York and San Francisco, December 1st,Read more
A Deep Dive into Payments Tokenization
A Deep Dive into Payments Tokenization: Sep 18-22 2023 Leveraging, Productizing and Monetizing Tokens SPA-24- New York: September 18 - 22, 2023 Payments tokenization will have aRead more
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Upcoming Workshops
Wow. A comprehensive payments curriculum for card issuers, acquirers, merchants and processors. Finally found a true payments education company with quality, technical material. Recommend the EMV and Mobile Fundamentals workshop.

There’s not a lot of real technical payments workshops out there and so when our company signed with Secure Payments Academy to take their 2 day EMV Fundamentals I was skeptical. I was not disappointed.

Whether you are new to EMV, or payments, the SPA curriculum and its instructors are knowledgable, first rate professionals with depth that is immensely helpful to me.