SPA-PK1-Module 2 Card Payment Fraud – Online Payments Fraud

This module is part of the Card Payment Fraud courses and can be taken separately or as part of the four modules.

At Secure Payments Academy we have been providing payments technology training courses, covering current and new card payment technologies. This course is a deep dive guide into “How to mitigate fraudulent transactions” for the card present as well as the CNP eCommerce world. All our courses are designed based on our hands-on experiences in implementation of payment technologies through our consulting engagements. Our consulting work is through our main company Smart Commerce International or, we provide in-person as well as eLearning courses.

We have developed a comprehensive course on all aspects of Card Payments Fraud, in four different modules. These modules describe both Card-Present and Card-Not-Present fraud types and fraud prevention methods deployed today. These course modules can be taken separately or together.

Module 2 – “Online Payments Fraud.”

In this module we continue with online or Card-Not-Present payment transactions fraud that has become a huge problem, especially after COVID-19 lockdowns when everyone had to go online for their purchases and pay online.

This module includes an explanation of the differences between Card-Present and Card-Not Present payment transactions and the way fraudsters attack each scenario. We detail different types of online or card-not-present fraud. This is followed by a description of technologies used to mitigate the online card payment fraud.

Module 2 – Online Fraud Agenda

  • Introduction – a description of what is online fraud and how it affect the payment systems.
  • Card Present Vs Card Not Present Transaction Flows.
  • Card Not Present Online Fraud – we describe types of online fraud.
  • True Cost of Fraud – we describe three scenarios and how stakeholders are affected by fraudulent activities for online payments.
  • Card Not Present Fraud Mitigation Principal Attributes – we describe the main attributes of techniques used for mitigation technologies.
  • Card Not Present Fraud Prevention Technologies – here we describe different techniques used for online fraud prevention.

To register for this module please click Here.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course delegates will be able to:

  • Describe the fraud types for card not present transactions.
  • Identify differences between CNP and card present fraud patterns
  • Explain different CNP fraud types how they are used used for detection & mitigation of online fraud.

Who should Attend:

  • Payment stakeholders with an online presence for online purchase and payment of goods.
  • Merchant System Operations, Engineering
  • Issuer/Processor Operations, Engineering
  • Fraud Analysis personnel
  • System Architects and Developers
  • IT and Technical Departments
  • Vendors of CNP fraud detection Systems

The attendees taking the four modules will be understand what fraud threat types are and which tools are available to mitigate and stop fraudulent activities. This will help make decisions on how to use these techniques with a clear understanding of the issues.

To register for any of module please click Here

For any enquiries please contact us Here.