Our EMV Chip training workshop is a one day course. This course has been especially designed to show attendees the architecture of the payment ecosystem, from magnetic stripe card systems to EMV chip cards, to contactless mobile payment environments. The terminals, including POS and ATMs are described and changes are described.


  •          Product Development and Marketing
  •          Operations, IT & Technical Managers
  •          Manufacturers and Developers Payment Systems
  •          Terminal and Card manufacturers, Application Developers

Course Outline:

Typical course outlines cover the following:

  •          Standard Payment Systems Model & Payment Schemes.
  •          Existing Magnetic Stripe Technologies.
  •          EMV Technology & Standards.
  •          EMV Market Overview
  •          EMV Impacts on Payment Systems Components.
  •          Cards – Structure, functionality and certification.
  •          POS and ATMs – Software, hardware and certifications.
  •          EMV Transaction Flow.
  •          Security and Key Management.
  •          EMV Migration Strategy – Typical EMV Related Issues/incidents.
  •          NFC Fundamentals – Cards, Standards and Certification
  •          Mobile Payments and Technologies
  •          Convergence of EMV/NFC and Mobile payments

Click HERE to see a list of our upcoming courses.