Expanded EMV Academy Workshop Schedule Supports U.S. EMV Migration as Liability Shift Deadlines Approach in USA

NEW YORK, July 9, 2014 – SCIL-EMV Academy, America’s EMV migration expert, announced today that it has expanded its summer and fall EMV public workshop schedule to support the U.S. EMV migration effort.  SCIL-EMV Academy is a U.S. EMV training, consultancy and solutions provider committed to speeding the U.S. banking and payments industry migration to EMV chip based credit and debit cards.  As the first EMV liability shift deadlines mandated by leading Card Brands American Express, Discover, MasterCard and VISA deadlines approach, it is important for all stakeholders in the U.S. payments ecosystem to be prepared.  SCIL-EMV Academy’s expanded training curriculum will help acquirers, issuers, merchants and processors make the transition to EMV seamlessly and cost effectively.

The 2014 EMV workshop schedule includes new online EMV workshops and the addition of a “Typical EMV Project Implementation Plan” module, which provides issuers, acquirers and merchants a detailed review of the technical and business requirements for upgrading to an EMV payments system.

The march toward EMV seems to have accelerated in recent months as stakeholders address common transition issues like debit networking, interchange fees, test, certification and other technical and business issues. “Much remains to be done and education and communication remain key building blocks in preparing the U.S. to move to EMV,” noted Stewart Chalmers, Vice President Marketing & Communications, SCIL-EMV Academy.  “The recent string of security breaches further underscores the need for EMV chip based payments technology, which is infinitely, more secure than magnetic stripe cards.”

Even though American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and VISA announced their respective EMV migration roadmaps sometime ago, there still is a high degree of business uncertainty and discussion among U.S. payments stakeholders.

“SCIL-EMV Academy’s updated EMV curriculum is designed to help all payment industry stakeholders better understand the demands of the EMV migration roadmaps,” commented Mansour Karimzadeh, Managing Director and CTO, SCIL-EMV Academy. “We want to help remove the business uncertainty with “hands on” business and technical education that makes for a speedier and more effective EMV migration effort for all – including a thorough understanding of the issues and what it takes to define a successful EMV project implementation plan.”

“The recent and preventable security breaches reinforce the need for all industry stakeholders to work toward a speedier EMV migration,” noted Chalmers.  “Protecting U.S. consumers personal identity should be a top priority for merchants and card issuers. EMV is the most secure option available today and provides additional convenience as well as a platform for future payments channels.

The updated SCIL-EMV Academy public workshop schedule includes sessions in Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Diego and San Francisco. For more information visit https://securepaymentsacademy.com/emv-training/workshop-schedule/

Topics covered include:

EMV – The Benefits:
Fraud: A review of fraud in the US

Additional Quantifiable Benefits including PCI, chargeback reduction and other tangible benefits

Innovation and the Intangible Benefits

EMV – The Costs:

  • Cards and Terminals
    Systems Costs
  • Other Costs including operations, training, marketing and other

EMV Liability Shift  – The Rollout & Typical Project Plan

  • How rollout strategies impact the business case
  • Results – The Business Case for the US Market

EMV – The Industry View
Case Studies for Likely Scenarios
EMV Technical

Other Topics Covered include:

  • Standard Payment Systems Model
  • International Payment Schemes/Associations
  • Existing Magnetic Stripe Technologies Vs EMV
  • EMV Technology, Standards and Certification Overview
  • EMV Transactions, Cryptograms, Processing, Scripts
  • EMV Market Overview
  • EMV Impact on Payment Systems Components
  • Chip Technology Opportunities for other Apps
  • Discuss Business Plans for EMV Implementation
  • Discuss EMV Migration Strategies
  • Market dynamics, convergence of EMV, NFC and Mobile Payments driving migration in the USA.

About SCIL-EMV Academy

SCIL-EMV Academy, America’s EMV migration expert, is a U.S. based developer and integrator of EMV training; consultancy and software solutions focused on contact, contactless and mobile NFC markets. Its expertise in technology, EMV credit/debit smart card solutions, payment transaction processing systems, and mobile payments and enterprise security, target payments, healthcare and transportation markets. Headquartered in New York City with offices in Los Angeles, California and Toronto, Canada, the Academy’s private and public EMV Training workshops have become enabling tools for U.S. acquirers, issuers and merchants as they address their respective EMV migration roadmaps. To learn more or schedule and customize a workshop, visit www.securepaymentsacademy.com or contact stew@emvacademy.com.


Stewart Chalmers

