U.S. Companies to Drive EMV Training Program; EMVAcademy to Feature Q-Card Test Services, Cards and Equipment Throughout EMV Curriculum

LOS ANGLES, Calif., July 19, 2012 – EMV Academy, America’s EMV migration experts and Q-Card, the world’s top supplier of magnetic stripe test cards and testing equipment announced a strategic agreement today.  Q-Card has joined EMV Academy and will work with it to aggressively facilitate the U.S. banking and payment industry’s migration to the new EMV chip based payment system.  In addition, EMV Academy will feature Q-Card’s solutions throughout the EMV Academy program.

“American Express recently joined Discover, MasterCard and Visa in outlining an EMV Roadmap and a timeline for achieving it, which calls for compliance as early as 2013,” noted Stewart Chalmers, Executive Director, EMV Academy. “As a result, the need for a proven EMV training curriculum and technologies that meet the payment associations’ Roadmap objectives is critical.  The addition of a world class organization like Q-Card will strengthen EMV Academy’s program and help customers meet their EMV goals.”

“Over a dozen years ago, Q-Card anticipated that a more secure payment scheme would evolve. commented Jeff Myers, Director of Marketing and Sales at Q-Card. “Since then, we have thoroughly immersed our business in emerging payment technologies, providing smart card testing services, equipment and technical support to those countries that have already switched over to EMV. The alliance with EMV Academy and its full complement of training workshops and ancillary relationships, will now add another key component to Q-Card’s suite of tools as we play a critical role in EMV migration here in the U.S.”

About Q-Card

Q-Card is a leading manufacturer of magnetic stripe test cards, test equipment and onsite consulting and laboratory test services. In addition, the company has rapidly grown its EMV and emerging payment technologies products to meet the needs of its diverse customer base. Q-Card is the payment industry’s “gold standard” for magnetic stripe testing solutions. U.S. based Q-Card card products are used more than 15 billion times a year in over 40 countries including China, Hong Kong, Russia, France, UK, South America, Spain, Africa, Australia and the U.S.

About EMV Academy

EMV Academy, America’s EMV migration experts, is a U.S. based EMV training and technical consultancy organization headquartered in Los Angeles, California.  EMV Academy provides EMV training, EMV migration, compliance, documentation and knowledge across the contact, contactless and mobile NFC payment markets. Through its preferred partner network, EMV Academy offers client’s access to the latest EMV products and technologies.  To learn more or schedule and customize a workshop, visit www.emvacademy.com or contact stew@emvacademy.com