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SPA-24B – A 3-Day Payment Tokenization Product Planning May 29-31, 2024

Leveraging Payments Tokenization into new Products and Services. Taking Control of Your Payments

 Why a course on Payments Tokenization, and why now?

The product and service plans of merchants, corporates, issuers and processors depend on those organizations’ understanding of how tokenization really works and how to manage its impact on their businesses.

Retail Payments Tokenization has been available for some time. However the current tokenization offerings and technologies are only the first generation of a very powerful payments management capability. Tokenization can add significant value to your business – Properly implemented, tokenization can enable a much closer and more focused relationship between merchants, corporates, processors and issuers and their clients. Conversely, failure to properly manage payments tokenization services by third parties, is an existential threat to your organization’s control over key customer data.

This 3-day course provides a road map for the monetization of Payments Tokenization into new products and service offerings by merchants, processors, corporates and issuers. The focus is on how tokenization really works in terms of data models, processes and operating environments, and therefore how stakeholders can use payments tokenization to increase their value propositions. (hint: the stakes are high, with significant new payments product wins and losses for stakeholders in the payments ecosystem).

Aim of the Course

The aim of this course is to provide delegates with in-depth and actionable insights into the technology, players, rules, risks, opportunities and business impact of Payments Tokenization.

By the end of this comprehensive training program, delegates will be able to undertake in-depth analyses of tokenization in the context of their organization, enabling them to make informed decisions on the adoption and use (or not) of payments tokenization in their payment environment.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course delegates will be able to:

  • Illustrate how tokens function within payments
  • Specify the organizational responsibilities
  • Specify the core business and system processes
  • Survey leaders and authorities in tokenisation
  • Identify the futures for payments tokenisation
  • Specify the operational responsibilities
  • Define the legal implications of tokenisation
  • Identify possible tokenisation business applications
  • Enumerate the tokenisation market potential
  • Identify the overarching business costs and benefits
  • Evaluate the stakeholder specific business cases
  • Undertake the necessary go/no go decision making

 Who Should Attend:

This course is specifically designed for organizations that are considering as to whether or not they should invest in payments tokenization capabilities. This course is designed for delegates familiar with the basics of payments tokenization and are interested in making informed decisions as to the business case for further investment in a tokenization strategy.

  • Bank Strategic decision makers
  • Digital system architects
  • Banking services development team
  • Merchant System Operations
  • Process engineering team
  • System Network Architects
  • Product Development
  • Product Management and Marketing
  • Fraud Detection department
  • Mobile Wallet design specialists
  • IT and Technical Departments

Related Course:

 This 3-day product planning course can also be a follow up to SPA-24A, a 2-day course focused on the business context for payments tokenization, enabling delegates to identify the relevance, market potential, business case and SWOT analysis of tokenization for their organization. Please click HERE for further information on the 2-day payments tokens business context course.

Delegates who register for the 2-day tokenization  course as well as this 3-day course will receive an 8% discount on the combined package.

Program Details:

This course includes hands on exercises by delegates designed to reinforce the daily learnings

Students will receive a course workbook and completion certificate at the conclusion of this 4-day program.

Course Overview

Day 1 – The Process of Tokenization

  • The six party payments ecosystem
  • The seven stakeholders in tokenization
  • Tokenization in the payments ecosystem
  • EXERCISE: Where is your organization in the ecosystem
  • Token requesting stakeholder roles
  • Token provisioning stakeholder roles
  • Token processing stakeholder roles
  • EXERCISE: Are your products suitable for tokenization
  • Token requesting system processes
  • Token provisioning system processes
  • Token processing system processes
  • EXERCISE: Are your systems ready for tokenization
  • Taxonomy of software and services offerings
  • Software and services vendors
  • Card scheme tokenization offerings deconstructed
  • EXERCISE: Best practices for payments business partners

Day 2 – The System of Tokenization

  • Token types and intelligence
  • Token functions and lifecycles
  • Next generation tokens beyond payments
  • EXERCISE: What else can be done with payment tokens
  • In house, outsource operations continuum
  • Tokenization data model
  • Security in the tokenization architecture
  • EXERCISE: Are your operations ready for tokenization
  • Token compliance, standards and protocols
  • Who contracts with who, for tokenization
  • Token services fees and liability
  • EXERCISE: Your organization’s legal obligations in payments
  • Mobile payments tokens use cases
  • Card on file payments tokens use cases
  • Card present payments tokens use cases
  • EXERCISE: Is tokenization a paradigm shift

Day 3 – The Business of Tokenization

  • The global market perspective
  • Key conditions for market success
  • Positioning in the market segments
  • EXERCISE: How can you approach your target markets
  • Managing expanded data and logic
  • Monetizing fraud control and security
  • Enabling new products and services
  • EXERCISE: How can your organization leverage tokenization
  • The business case for merchants, for issuers and for processors
  • EXERCISE: Is there a business case for your organization
  • Questions and decisions to by merchants, by issuers and by processors
  • CONCLUSION: The high stakes for payments stakeholders

SPA-24B: 3-Day – Payments Tokenization Course, is brought to you by Secure Payments Academy, in partnership with Technology Strategies International and VCS Technologies Inc.

For more information about our upcoming schedule, visit the Workshop Schedule