Mansour Karimzedah




New EMV Workshop at Annual ATMIA 2015 Conference Prepares

U.S. ATM Industry for EMV Migration

NEW YORK, and ORLANDO, FL, January 12, 2015 – SCIL-EMV Academy, America’s EMV migration experts and the only independent EMV training academy and the ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) announced today a new collaboration aimed at helping the ATM industry quickly migrate to a EMV chip based credit and debit card ecosystem. As part of the ATMIA Academy’s extension program, SCIL-EMV Academy will present its EMV, The Fundamentals, an EMV workshop designed exclusively for ATM Industry professionals. The full day workshop will be offered at the upcoming ATMIA annual conference, Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, and February 17-19, 2015.

About the Workshop

EMV for ATM industry professionals will be offered in two parts. Part one, EMV the Fundamentals: A Deep Dive for ATM Industry Professionals is a morning session (08:30-12 Noon) that will include the following topics:

  • What is EMV and why is it important to ATM operators?
  • Magnetic stripe Vs. chip
  • Chip technology
  • EMV drivers
  • International Acceptance
  • EMV Liability shift timelines for ATMs, compliance and certification
  • Economics – The Business Case
  • EMV Standards
  • EVM applications
  • Liability shift timelines for ATMs
  • EMV testing, compliance & certification

Part 2 EMV Fundamentals: A Deep Dive for ATM Industry Professionals is an afternoon (1:30 -5:00) session that will include the following topics:

  • Technology challenges facing EMV migration at the ATM level
  • PIN Synchronization & Management
  • Routing and Durbin amendment
  • Host connectivity & communications protocol
  • Offline/online PIN and data authentication
  • Cardholder Verification Method & Fallback
  • EMV message flows
  • Parameter updates, card block/unblock post issuance-scripts

Attendees participating in both sessions will receive a completion certificate from the ATMIA Academy.

Mansour Karimzedah, CTO and Managing Director of SCIL-EMV Academy will teach the workshop. SCIL-EMV Academy is the only independent payments academy in the USA with a curriculum geared to migrating card issuers, processors, acquirers, merchants and others to EMV seamlessly and cost effectively. Since 2011, American Express, US bank, Chevron, Excentus, Co-Op, and others have participated in SCIL-EMV academy’s broad based payments educational curriculum.

“We are pleased to collaborate with the ATMIA a key stakeholder in the industry migration to EMV chip,” s, SCIL-EMV Academy. Mansour Karimzedah, CTO and Managing Director “The U.S. EMV deadlines announced more than two years ago by American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and VISA are quickly approaching and failure to meet these key dates shifts liability to the stakeholder who has not upgraded to EMV. Education and training are key to ensuring EMV readiness. These new workshops are designed to provide the attendees with an accelerated approach to compliance and implementing EMV.”

“ATMIA’s annual conference is the perfect opportunity for our attendees to learn more about EMV migration,” added David Tente, ATMIA Executive Director for the US region. “And this format is an excellent way to expand the mission of our ATMIA Academy training program – which was launched at last year’s event. Members can expect to see more new training sessions in the future – both online and live – that leverage our extensive Best Practices content.”

Workshop Registration: To REGISTER visit the ATMIA Conference website

(Select the ATMIA Extension Class – EMV the Fundamentals, Part 1 & 2, following the Workshop options)

What:                        EMV, the Fundamentals for ATM Industry EMV Training Workshop

Who:                         Executives, Operations, Sales, Marketing, and Mfg.

Where:                     ATMIA Conference, Las Vegas

When:           February 17, 2015


“We have built an strong curriculum designed to help U.S. payments companies and professionals transition to EMV, which is also the foundation to fast emerging mobile payments technologies,” said Karimzedah. “Despite the looming deadlines, there is still a lot of business uncertainty and work to be done. Even though the ATM industry has a longer lead time in terms of the liability shift, it also has the greatest challenge with thousands of ATMs needing to be upgraded and replaced before the 2017. The ATMIA and SCIL-EMV Academy will serve as a resource to prepare the industry for EMV.”

About the ATMIA

The ATM Industry Association is a global non-profit trade association with over 5,000 members in 65 countries. Its mission is to promote ATM convenience, growth and usage worldwide, to protect the ATM industry’s assets, interests, good name and public trust; and to provide education, best practices, political voice and networking opportunities for member organizations.   Members include financial institutions, independent ATM operators, payment processors, service providers, manufacturers, technology companies, and many other industry stakeholders.   More information about ATMIA can be found on their website,


About SCIL-EMV Academy

SCIL-EMV Academy, America’s EMV migration experts, is the only independent EMV and payments training organization. Its broad based curriculum offers extensive EMV training, education and payments consultancy focused on contact, contactless and mobile NFC markets, with expertise in technology, EMV credit/debit smart card solutions, payment transaction processing systems, and mobile payments and enterprise security, addressing the payments, healthcare and transportation markets. The Academy also provides access to the latest EMV technologies. Headquartered in New York City it also has offices in Los Angeles, California and Toronto, Canada.  To learn more or schedule and customize a workshop, visit or contact

About the EMV Chip Migration

EMV chip-based credit and debit cards are slated to replace the old, less secure magnetic -stripe cards in the U.S. The so-called chip card is already in widespread use throughout the rest of the world, including Asia, Western Europe, and Latin America as well as neighboring Canada. EMV chip based systems offer U.S. consumers a more secure and convenient way to shop. Card fraud in the USA continues to accelerate at a rapid rate. In light of the recent security breaches, the move to EMV in the U.S.A. has picked up speed. Stakeholders are addressing technical challenges such as a common debit network to routing transactions, test and certification of new EMV terminals and cards as well as other implementation challenges.
